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BEWARE: We have not released any CD regarding Matrimonial.
Terms & Condition

Members agree that they are legally eligible to get married as far as the age is concerned. Sekkizhar.com will not be responsible for misuse of any facility/service it provides, which is in violation to the local government laws.

Every member submitting his/her matrimonial profile is required to give all the facts essential for establishing a marital relation. Concealing facts relevant to marriage could result in loss or damage to any individual and for which, Sekkizhar.com cannot be held responsible in any which way.

Members permit Sekkizhar.com to post their profile. Relying on the information given on Sekkizhar.com is solely members' responsibility. Sekkizhar.com in no way guarantees the genuineness of the information provided by its members.

Members will not have any claim against Sekkizhar .com for any time delay in posting their information into Sekkizhar.com website due to any technical reasons.

Sekkizhar.com is only an introductory platform. All consequences which may arise on account of any alliance that materializes through Sekkizhar.com will be at member's risk and cost and Sekkizhar.com shall not be held responsible in any manner.

Posting the member's profile in the website www. Sekkizhar.com is to the discretion of www.Sekkizhar.com

Any contact or acquaintance established by exchanging the members' profiles through Sekkizhar.com should not be misunderstood as a proposal recommended by Sekkizhar.com.

Verification of Divorcee Documents and other Certificates is the responsibility of Parents/Guardians. Sekkizhar .com will not bear any responsibility in this regard.

Sekkizhar.com is not liable for damages caused due to inaccuracy of the information provided by its members regarding the religion, caste or creed or any other personal information. If the members' profile is deemed to be unfit, Sekkizhar.com has the right to delete, alter or refuse the same at any point of time without any notice.

It's the sole discretion of Sekkizhar.com to transfer or refund any membership fee. Sekkizhar.com cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from discontinuation of the service. Sekkizhar.com will also not be responsible for any damage caused due to others accessing members profile.

Newly created profile will be scanned for propriety and will be immediately activated after quality assurance check by Sekkizhar.com

Sekkizhar.com reserves the rights to discontinue, deactivate, or terminate profile if
(1) Profile contents fails the quality check (in terms of vulgarity/profanity)
(2) Profile contents are not acceptable if it contains rough language or unprofessional material

Applicant or Profile owners can request discontinuation of profile when successful match materializes or for any other reasons. The request can be made via regular mail or email. The applicant has to send his username and password along with the request to discontinue the service in order to process the request.

The profile will display contact information that is specified by the applicant. The contact information is available only to valid members.

Free membership is for limited time. Sekkizhar.com reserves right to discontinue Free membership or start again after being discontinued at any time.

Sekkizhar.com cannot guarantee that you as an applicant will receive responses and hence cannot be held responsible for no replies. In this case we cannot give any refunds or credits

You are solely responsible for your interactions with other members through Sekkizhar.com.

Sekkizhar.com will make its best efforts to keep the website up and running all the time. However Sekkizhar.com is not liable for any suspension in operation due to technical or other reasons over which Sekkizhar.com has no control

The above are the main terms and conditions, but in no way the only ones. They are subject to change at any point without any prior notice.

Developed & Maintained by SMAT TECHNOLOGIES